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Digital plattform for inn- og utleie av arbeidskraft

Rent inno workforce

between companies

Do you have too much to do and need to hire labour?


Here we collect all available staff from other companies, so that you can hire the workforce that suits you.

From 1 April 2023, the rules for hiring employees via staffing companies were greatly tightened. This inspired the founders behind YTFormidling to create YTFOR – a ground-breaking digital platform for easier recruitment and hiring of surplus staff. In a time of strict regulations within staffing companies, YTFOR gives company managers the necessary flexibility in an ever-changing business world. This platform can radically change the way you as a manager manage your workforce.


Running a business can at times be very demanding for the vast majority of managers. YTFOR gives company managers the essential flexibility to hire extra labor when needed, and at the same time offer surplus manpower to other companies. This adaptable approach significantly reduces the risk of layoffs and terminations, while giving companies greater control over their workforce. 


- With YTFOR, business owners simply get a powerful toolkit that enables them to handle workforce challenges, while at the same time providing security in the form of flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Whatever you may need, YTFOR can be the platform for you.




YTConsult AS


A wholly owned Trønder company that was established in 2022. YT was established to cover special needs within recruitment as well as to digitize recruitment and hiring of labor between companies. YT has already noted itself as a solid player in the industry. YT has previously developed several successful businesses and ideas. The team consists of 3 people, Yngve, Anita and Torben, with special expertise in HR and idea development, sales and management, graphic design and marketing.

Torben Olden


Source AS

Source as was established in 2017 with head office in Trondheim. Source is specialized in development, technical architecture and IT consultancy. Source has wide experience and expertise from both the public and private sector. With their background and experience, they can help ensure that customers choose the right technology, get a good and efficient implementation and that the end result is a solid product. Source has around 20 employees and offices in Oslo, Trondheim and Sarajevo


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