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YTFor er en digital plattform,  skapt for å formidle arbeidskraft på en  effektiv og ressursbesparende måte  mellom bedrifter.

Digital dissemination of labor 

between companies

This is a digital platform that offers a secure, fast and simple solution for hiring and renting out labor between companies. A sharing platform for surplus crew. ​ With automated administration, you can safely enter your vacant candidates - easily and without worries. Take part in a solid and reliable solution that makes your workforce more efficient

Kjetil Nordø

RIIS Eiendom AS

This will help us quickly find the candidates we need in the YTFormidling database. We want to save both time and money, versus searching on your own or through others.

Per Arne Holthe


The searchability will be excellent! I am amazed at how easy it will be to find the right workforce.

Eirik Volent

Snusbonden AS

The platform will be an absolutely brilliant solution if you find yourself in a situation where you have to lay off or dismiss employees, or possibly need more labor in periods. Win win for all parties!


YTFOR is a digital B2B solution where employers get access to all available labor in the market, or can hire out their own labor. You can therefore find or share labor with other businesses, in a very quick and simple way.

Available labor can be

Available labor may last

Surplus crewhiring, rather than layoffs

Part-time employee want more work

Rotational worker Wants to work during free time

Freelancer want more work

Staffing agency available labor

Overskuddsmannskap utleie, fremfor permittering  Deltidsansatt ønsker mer arbeid  Rotasjonsarbeider Ønsker å arbeide i friperiode  Frilanser ønsker mer arbeid  Bemanningsbyrå tilgjengelig arbeidskraft


Build and 


Shop and

merchandise trade

Hotels and



and nightlife

Fishing and


Industry and


Health and


Oil and


Warehouse and



We make it very easy for you to search, sort, filter, assess and compare labor when you need more staff. You avoid extra intermediaries and high costs, as we have streamlined the process and find the best, available workforce for you. With just a few simple keystrokes and clicks.

YTFOR has a clear vision and clear objective to develop and operate the market's best digital platform for hiring and hiring labor between companies

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  • Kan man leie ut anonymt på YTFormidling?
    Ja, alle personer og bedrifter er anonym frem til signering av kontrakt mellom inn- og utleier.
  • Hvilken betydning har de nye reglene for inn- og utleie?
    Nye Innleieregler 1. april 2023 innføres nye regler som har stor betydning for bedrifter som leier inn ansatte, i det et av de mest brukte rettslige grunnlagene for å leie inn arbeidskraft blir opphevet. I tillegg innføres det et totalforbud mot innleie for byggenæringen på Østlandet Les mer her:,Oslo%2C%20Viken%20og%20tidligere%20Vestfold
  • Er det dyrt å leie ut arbeidskraften på YTFormidling?
    Den som leier UT betaler 5 % av avtalt timepris til oss. Utleiere betaler altså oss en ørliten andel for at vi finner kunder til dem. Den som leier inn betaler kun oppgitt timespris.
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